COMPASS COMPASS Publication lists


  • Amber/COMPASS++ Documents
  • Proposals
  • Papers
  • Talks & Proceedings
  • Notes lock.gif
  • Technical
  • Target
  • Theses
  • Habilitation theses
  • PhD theses
  • Diploma theses

  • The COMPASS Collaboration has appointed a committee supervising publications related to the COMPASS experiments.

    PubCom members:

    B. Badelek (since 12/2022, 1st term) - chair
    Y. Bedfer (since 09/2023, 1st term)
    N. d'Hose (since 09/2023, 1st term)
    W. Dünnweber (since 02/2023, 1st term)
    E. Kabuß (since 12/2022, 1st term)
    B. Ketzer (since 09/2023, 1st term)
    A. Kotzinian (since 06/2023, 2nd term)
    J.-C. Peng (honorary member since 09/2023)
    B. Parsamyan ex officio as analysis coordinator

    Sharing of tasks:
    Hadron W. Dünnweber, B. Ketzer
    Longitudinal muon B. Badelek, E. Kabuß, A. Kotzinian
    Transverse muon Y. Bedfer, A. Kotzinian,
    Unpolarized muon B. Badelek, Y. Bedfer, A. Kotzinian,
    Drell Yan B. Badelek, N. d'Hose, A. Kotzinian,
    GPD N. d'Hose, E. Kabuß
    Updating web pages (releases, conferences, talks)B. Badelek

    Guide lines for plots:
    Guide lines 05.03.2025

    Please send mail to PubCom e-mail.

    Before publishing read the COMPASS publication policy, updated 7th of April, 2016, explaining the rules to follow.



