COMPASS Villars meeting
Jul 2, 2004, at CERN

Friday 2nd of July, 2004
Chair: Alain Magnon
Introduction    A. Magnon
Upgrade of the PS/SPS complex    R. Garoby
The M2 beam line  M. Leberig
GPD theory  M. Diehl
Unpolarised Quark Distribution  J. Pretz
DVCS experiments    N. d'Hose 
no coffee
Measurements of F_2 and F_L  E. Kabuss
Hadronisation & related topics in SIDIS    A. Kotzinian
Shadowing effects in nuclear parton distributions    G. Smirnov
Detector concepts    F. H. Heinsius
Polarization observables  F. Bradamante
Measurements with hadron beam    R. Bertini