RICH reports (COMPASS internal notes)
- P. Schiavon, Studies of effects of multiple
Coulomb scattering and measuring errors on the Cerenkov emission angle reconstruction,
7/10/97, rev. 23/10/97, 26/11/97
- P. Schiavon, Studies of the Cerenkov emission
angle reconstruction. Part. 1, 10/6/97, rev. 7/11/97
- P. Schiavon, Studies of the Cerenkov emission
angle reconstruction. Part. 2, 27/10/97, rev. 27/11/97
- P. Schiavon, Studies of the effect of mirror
radius value on the reconstruction of the Cerenkov emission angle by MonteCarlo
simulation, 14/5/97, rev. 17/12/97
- F. Benedetti et al., First tests of the
COMPASS-Gassiplex chip, June 1999
- G. Baum et al., The COMPASS RICH 1Detector,
submitted to the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advanced
Technology and Particle Physics, Villa Olmo, Como, 5-9 October 1998
- G. Baum et al., The COMPASS RICH
Project, submitted to the Proceedings of RICH98, Ein-Gedi, Dead-Sea,
15-20 November, 1998
- G. Baum et al., Studies of the optics of the
COMPASS RICH, submitted to the Proceedings of RICH98, Ein-Gedi,
Dead-Sea, 15-20 November, 1998
- G. Baum et al., The read-out system of the COMPASS
RICHes, submitted to the Proceedings of RICH98, Ein-Gedi, Dead-Sea, 15-20
November, 1998
- P. Schiavon et al., Pattern recognition
for COMPASS RICH 1, Progress Report, February 1999
- P. Dalloz and R. Valbuena, The COMPASS RICH
1 mirror wall geometry, Technical Note EST-ESI/99-08, March 1999
- S. Dalla Torre, MEMORANDUM - Foam material
for the light windows of the COMPASS RICH-1, September 22,1999
- P. Schiavon, COMPASS RICH-1, Hints for
mirror alignment, progress report, October 1999
- P. Cristaudo, S. Dalla Torre and V. Kalinnikov, Further tests of the COMPASS-GASSIPLEX chip, with
a dedicated evaluation board, November 6, 1999
- P. Schiavon, Trieste reconstruction software
for COMPASS RICH-1, Progress Report, December 1999
- C. D'Ambrosio, M. Laub and D. Piedigrossi, Optical qualification of the first COMPASS RICH mirrors,
March 2000
- S. Berry, M. Bosteels, A. Bressan and P. Fauland C4F10 gas system, Version provisoire, tests, mise
en servise,, March 17, 2000
- P. Dalloz and R. Valbuena, The COMPASS RICH
1 mirror wall geometry, Rev. 2, Technical Note EST-ESI/99-08, March 2000
- P. Schiavon, Particle identification in COMPASS
RICH-1, Progress Report, May 2000
- E. Albrecht et al., COMPASS RICH-1 (VCI 2001
proceedings), March 2001
- A. Colavita, All
you wanted to know about decoding the RICH-1 but were afraid to ask, April
17, 2001
- L. Baliev, ANSYS
Thermal Calculation of the RICH (preliminary results), July, 2001
- S. Dalla Torre, Temperature measurements
during mirror alignment in Spring 2001, August 2001
- P. Schiavon, Particle identification in COMPASS
RICH-1, Progress Report, September 2001
- S. Dalla Torre and F. Tessarotto, Study
of the noise measurement in RICH-1 front-end, November 26, 2001
- S. Dalla Torre, RICH-1 surveying in 2001,
November 26, 2001