"DCS-COMPASS requirements for the Experiment's 2nd
DCS group, 28/10/2004.
"How to integrate CAEN HV in PVSS"
, C. Quintans, 08/07/2004.
"Iseg HV Modules for STRAWS",
D. Sora, 20/05/2004.
"Iseg HV Modules for Silicon",
D. Sora, 24/05/2004.
"Drift Chambers and MicroMegas integration", D. Sora, 25/03/2004 (and
"DCS-COMPASS project backup procedure", C. Quintans, 29/08/2003.
V. Falaleev and I. Manouilov, 05/08/2003.
The COMPASS DCS architecture is
explained in the following pages. Although the system was later modified
in some parts, the bulk of this documentation remains valid:
"DCS general overview", N.
Karlsson, 2001.
The description of the panels and
scripts existing at the time of 2001 technical Run is given in the
following pages - but please keep in mind that the current system
appearance differs in many aspects of the one here presented:
"DCS panels and Scripts",
N. Karlsson, 2001.
The COMPASS Framework used in 2001
technical Run and 2002 physics Run is described in detail in this document
- several aspects are no longer valid, though:
"COMPASS Framework
documentation", H. Milcent, J. Rossi and N. Karlsson,
The parameters foreseen to be
read-out by the DCS-COMPASS, as of beginning of year 2000, and based on
the collected detectors groups requirements for Slow Control:
"List of raw
parameters to read-out", 02/2000.
The COMPASS Users requirements
documentation, elaborated based on the answers to the questionnaire:
experiment - User Requirement Document", IT-CO/COMPASS,
Questionnaire to the detectors
groups in view of building the DCS for COMPASS:
"Questionnaire on
requirements for COMPASS Detector Control System",
B.M.B, H. Milcent, V. Sougoniaev, V. Falaleev, 06/09/1999.
- Detector groups requeriments for Slow Control
"RICH", 1999.
"Straws"F.-H. Heinsius and
H. Fischer, 16/09/1999.
"MWPCs", D. Panzieri, 1999.
"BMS", 1999.
"HCal1", 1999.
"HCal2", 1999.
"Ecal1", 1999.
"Muon Wall 2", 05/2000.
"Trigger Hodoscopes", 1999.
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