2.28 Detector specific panels

2.28.1 Sub-system panels

Most of detectors in the DCS has several sub-systems like Hv System, Gas System, etc. For each of these sub-systems dedicated panels have been developed. All these panels of all detectors follows the same principals and therefore it is not necessary to describe them all. Only a few example are showed in this section.

In the Figure 25 is an example of a customized panel made for Rich detector and it is representing the High Voltage system of Rich detector. All the devices related to HV system of Rich detector should always be included into this panel. Like in the example panel, these panels indicating some specific sub-system of detector normally contains only several references to another panels. For instance in Figure 25 three different panels are used as a reference:

Figure 25: Example of a HV system panel: richHvSystem.pnl

In the Figure 26 is another example of detector specific panel. The panel contains all the PLC2 channels belonging to Gem detector.

Figure 26: Example of a PLC channels for a specific detector: plcForGem.pnl

2.28.2 Entrance panels

In the DCS every detector group has their own customized entrance -panel which contains all the existing sub-systems only for their detector. Entrance -panel can be understood as a root panel, the highest level in the tree hierarchy, of detector. When "general sub-system panels", showing information of sub-systems of the whole experiment (like hvSystem.pnl ( 2.25)), is meant to be an entry point into a sub-system for an operator, respectively entrance panels are designed to be used by detector experts. This is because detector experts are mainly interested of the status of some specific detector.

In most of the cases entrance panel is filled with different, detector specific, sub-system -panels (ref. Section 2.28.1). In Figure 27 is an example of entrance panel containing three different sub-systems and usually these sub-systems are another panels inserted into blank entrance panel.

Ideally the entrance panels could and should contain also some graphical view of the detector.

Figure 27: richStartup.pnl


Last modified: 2001 - Niko Karlsson