WELCOME to the home page of the polarized target
The experiment NA47 of the Spin Muon Collaboration (SMC) at CERN SPS determines the spin dependent structure functions of the proton and the neutron by scattering longitudinally polarized high energy muons from solid polarized proton and deuteron targets. The target material is either normal or deuterated butanol frozen into glassy beads. The nuclear spins are polarized with dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP), based on microwave saturation of impurity electron spins near their paramagnetic resonance in a 2.5 T longitudinal field.
The Refrigerator and the Superconducting Magnet
Polarization and NMR measurements
Microwave System
Target Material
Target Crew
Stereoscopic Pictures
The Nucleon Spin - CERN Physics Monitor
The target logo is an assembly of NMR signals obtained from 10 separate coils for determination of the polarization.
Peter Berglund