Achasov N. (IM,Novosibirsk) |
Scalar meson problem. |
Avakian H. (HERMES,DESY) |
Recent results on spin physics from HERMES. |
Belostotsky S. (PNPI,Gatchina) |
Strange particle production at HERMES and Lambda polarization. |
Efremov A. (JINR, Dubna) |
Azimuthal spin asymmetry and transversity. |
Faessler M. (LMU, Munich) |
Scalar mesons - experementalist's overview. |
Ginzburg I. (IM,Novosibirsk) |
Study of charge asymmetry in semi-inclusive DIS theory. |
Goloskokov S. (JINR, Dubna) |
Transverse asymmetry for the longitudinally polarized muons at COMPASS. |
Karliner M. (Tel-Aviv University) |
Non-valence degrees of freedom in QCD - challenge and opportunity. |
Kotzinian A. (JINR, Dubna) |
Polarized strangeness in nucleon and Phi meson production in COMPASS. |
Naumov D. (JINR, Dubna) |
Spin physics in NOMAD. |
Rock S. (SLAC,Stanford) |
New results from E155 |
Rondio E. (SINS,Warsaw) |
PGF selection for events with high pt hadrons. |
Sandacz A. (SINS,Warsaw) |
Studies of color transparency in leptoproduction. |