Compass time lines
2000: Commissioning of the COMPASS Spectrometer in the year 2000 with
at least some modules of each detector type. No physics data taking
for the muon programme. A possibility for Primakoff and diffractive
hadron production is being discussed.
2001: Full data taking with complete spectrometer as specified in the
initial layout (no large area tracking in 2nd Spectrometer).
200x: Upgrade of the apparatus to large angle tracking in the downstream
part (2nd Spectrometer), upgrade of calorimeters for hadron beam
physics. This stage is not covered by the time lines presented here.
These time lines were set up with the groups responsible for the detectors.
Version 1.01 was presented to the SPSC on August, 1999,
(CERN/SPSC 99-18, COMPASS note 1999-17)
and will serve as baseline for further planning.
Progress reporting should be based on the tasks as listed in version 1.01
Time lines version v1.01
The time lines are represented in a summary version of 9 pages
and a version containing all details. Both files are available as
compressed (gzipped) PostScript and as PortableDocumentFormat (pdf)
files. The pdf files give the better result for both, printing and
viewing. Also 'gv' worked better than 'ghostview' for the ps generated
via Adobe Distiller.
Although I tried hard, I could not keep the same page numbering as
in the printed document distributed on September 17
(same as SPSC Memo, August 2).
COMPASS time lines v1.01
(MSProject98 Gantt charts)
This page was last updated on November 11, 1999
by Gerhard Mallot