COMPASS HV switch off/on procedures
Trigger, ladder and middle Hodoscopes
30 September 2001
HV switch-off procedure for save interventions on Trigger, ladder and middle Hodoscopes:
Push HV off button on LeCroy 1440 units in rack 429R01 and 429R02
Switch off LeCroy 1440 units in rack 429R01 and 429R02
Pull mains power plug
Put warning sign "Do not switch on" to HV PS with date, name, phone number
(available in COMPASS control room)
Make entry to COMPASS logbook and inform shift crew
HV switch-on procedure for save interventions on Trigger, ladder and middle Hodoscopes:
Check that work is finished and equipment closed/covered/grounded correctly
Inform person who switched off (signed)
Make entry to Logbook and inform shift crew
Remove warning sign
Re-Insert mains power plug of LeCroy 1440 units in rack 429R01 and 429R02
Switch on LeCroy 1440 units in rack 429R01 and 429R02
Push HV enable button on LeCroy 1440 units in rack 429R01 and 429R02
Ramp HV up via slow control
This page was last updated on September 12, 2001 by
Gerhard Mallot