COMPASS Run 2015

Beam in 2015: from April 27th to November 16th (Drell-Yan)


SPS Information | Safety | Shifts | Weekly meetings | DAQ | Run Logbook | Contacts | Phone Numbers

PS/SPS Information

Scheduled machine developments:
September 9th 08:00 - 9th 18:00 16th 08:00 - 16th 18:00 23th 08:00 - 23th 18:00 30th 08:00 - 30th 18:00
October 7th 08:00 - 7th 18:00 14th 08:00 - 14th 18:00 21th 08:00 - 21th 18:00 28th 08:00 - 28th 18:00
November 2nd 07:00 - 3rd 18:00 11th 08:00 - 12th 08:00    
Please note that these dates may change on short notice.

COMPASS Hall 888

The COMPASS experiment is located in the Experimental Hall North 2 (EHN2), building 888, on the Prevessin site of CERN.

Safety Information

Shifts during the 2015 run

Shifts are scheduled this year with 2 shifters, responsible for both the spectrometer and the target. The shifts take place in building 892 in the control room R-D10 from 00h00 to 08h00 (overnight), from 08h00 to 16h00 (day) and from 16h00 to 24h00 (evening) every day. At 16h00 the daily meeting takes place in 892-1-D20.

The presentations by the week coordinators can be found on the weekly meeting pages.



An electronic logbook is used to keep track of all information related to data taking.


The mobile phone operator has changed from Sunrise to Swisscom. This means that from OUTSIDE, the mobile numbers have changed: +41 75411 (last four digits). For fixed numbers it is still the same: +41 22 76 (last five digits)

Useful phone numbers

Last updated on September 5, 2015 by Johannes Bernhard