COMPASS Run 2004

COMPASS has beamtime at the SPS in 2004 from May 19th to October 31st. There is a break from June 2nd until June 15th with a one week 25 ns period in between foreseen from June 7th during which beam tests are possible. From August 30th until October 4th there is a long break with partly CNGS running and partly 25 ns running.

This page serves to assemble useful information on this run period for members of the collaboration participating in the preparation and data taking.

SPS | Hall 888 | Safety | Shifts | Summaries | Target | DAQ | CDR | Logbook | Contacts

SPS Information

COMPASS Hall 888

The COMPASS experiment is located in the Experimental Hall North 2 (EHN2), building 888, on the Prevessin site of CERN.

Safety Information

Shifts during the 2004 run

Shifts are scheduled this year for the full running period, most likely with reduced duties during September. They take place in the hall 888 in the control room HNB 411 (1-014) from 0h to 8h, from 8h to 16h and from 16h to 24h every day, with reduced crew, when SPS machine developments are scheduled.

Week coordinator reports during the 2004 run

5 7May week 19Mario Leberig
714May week 20Mario Leberig
1421May week 21Fulvio Tessarotto
2128May week 22Alain Magnon
28 4May/June week 23Christian Schill
411June week 24Oleg Denisov
1118June week 25Martin Faessler
1825June week 26Fritz-Herbert Heinsius
25 2June/July week 27Stephane Platchkov
2 9July week 28Jan Nassalski
916July week 29Gerhard Mallot
1623July week 30Horst Fischer
2330July week 31Jürgen Hannappel
31 6July/August week 32Eric Weise
613August week 33Claude Marchand
1320August week 34Wolfgang Eyrich
2027August week 35Jörg Pretz
27 3August/September week 36Jens Bisplinghoff
310September week 37Dimitri Peshekhonov
1017September week 38Kay Königsmann
1724September week 39Josef Pochodzalla
241September/October week 40Jan Friedrich
18October week 41Dietrich von Harrach
815October week 42Etienne Burtin
1522October week 43Sergey Donskov
2229October week 44Reiner Geyer
29 5Oct/Nov week 45Oleg Gavrishchuk
512November week 46Bernhard Ketzer
1215November week 47Alain Magnon

The COMPASS Target



In 2004 an electronic logbook is used to keep track of all information related to data taking. For the moment, the original is only available from CERN. However a mirror is also visible outside with password.


The data are transferred to the computing centre via network and recorded on the central tape system (using CASTOR storage manager). This system is known as Central Data Recording (CDR).


Useful phone numbers

Last updated on January 22, 2004