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The NMR and DAQ Systems

The analog section of the NMR system will remain as used by SMC. On the digital side, at least the controlling minicomputer DEC MicroVAX will be replaced by a UNIX workstation and the NMR software rewritten. In the present system the A/D conversion and the front-end processing is realized using CAMAC-based STAC modules, developed at CERN (A. Rijllart). The support for these modules cannot be guaranteed any more in the future and therefore, available funding and manpower allowing, they will be replaced by modern VME/VXI-based commercial modules.

The control and DAQ system for the SMC magnet, developed at Saclay, has to be modified for the new magnet. This involves modifying the readout of the new instrumentation and control of the new magnet current supplies. In the control and DAQ system of the dilution refrigerator only minor changes are foreseen.

Table 3.5:   Schedule for the upgrade of the NMR and DAQ systems.

Lars Schmitt
Wed May 22 16:44:09 METDST 1996