W45 Analysis and Software Page

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How to calibrate W45

  1. Produce MegaDST
    To calibrate a detector it is necessary to get access to the raw information collected by this detector. As this information is not stored in the standard DSTs the raw data has to be reprocessed by CORAL and Phast. The output files obtained should contain the detector digits as well as all tracking information. These file will be called in the following description megaDST or MDST.
  2. Produce ROOT Tree
    After creation of the megaDST file phast can be used to further reduce the data and to create an easy to use ntuple which contains the necessary variables to do rt-calibration. My phast function can be found together with the class (W45P.cc and W45P.h) I have written here. My ntuple contains the folllowing variables: I have writte a shell script which allows a fast processing of a full set of megaDSTs stored in one directory, which can be easily adopted for your needs. This script produces one root file for each megaDSTs file and produces the chain.cc root script which can be used to merge all this root files in a single one (just type root -b -q chain.cc to execute the script).
  3. Analyse ROOT Tree
    The final analysis is then done by a root script which does the calibration in three steps starting with the so called V-plot (a TH2D).
    1. Project the histogramm on the time axis and fit to first order polynoms to the edge of the spectrum to determine T0.
    2. Project Slices of the histogram on the r-axis and fit two gaus to these 1-d histos. These two gauses should be centered around zero, if the detctor was correctly aligned. I fill a histogram with (mean1+mean2)/2. The mean of this histogram is the misalignement R0.
    3. After applying both the T0 and the R0 correction finaly the rt-plot is fitted by projecting slices to the time axis and fitting a gaus to each of these slices.
  4. Calculate Residuals
    After having done the calibration it is necessary to check the success by determining the residuals of the different detector planes. This can be done by another root script which reads the calibration and alignement values determined by rt.cc and loops over the ntuple to determine residuals.
  5. Possible Improvements

This page was updated on April 24th, 2004
by Local Webmaster