W45 Analysis and Software Page

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The A1 Analysis

These notes are mainly for personal use (reminding me, which programs I used) to allow fast resumption after one of the frequent interruptions. All this analysis work is done on the gridka computer center in Karlsruhe. The main tool used is Phast (Version 7.005). There are three working directories containing all tools and programs:
  1. phast.7.005: containing the phast installation and the user events which reduce the miniDST to microDSTs and afterwards extract the necessary histograms from this microDST.
  2. MDST: This directory contains the tools which make the production of the microDSTs easier.
  3. asym: In this dierctory the tools are stored to analyse the microDSTs and calculate the asymmetries.
  1. Produce MicroDSTs
    Our analysis starts from the produced MiniDSTs, which are stored on compass2 disk of gridka. In a first step we select with some loose cuts on the event kinematics and topology the events which could be useful for our analyis. This events we store in MicroDSTs. This reduction is mainly done by the phast function UserEvent25. The data processing is automized by means of some shell scripts (they will be briefly described here in alphabetical order):
  2. Analyse MicroDSTs
    To analyse the MicroDSTs there are at the moment still two Phast user functions. For the inclusive asymmetries UserEvent20.cc should be used for the semi-inclusive analysis UserEvent23.cc should be used. The final goal is to merge this two analysis as the inclusive asymmetry is a member of the tuple of asymmetries to be measured to extract the quark polarisations for single flavors. The output of this second step is used for cross check, plotting of e.g. kinematic variables and to calculate the final result.
  3. Determine the Final Results
    1. Prepare analysis:

      Before the final analysis can be started in each Period 4 files have to be created. These files contain the information which configurations should be combined in the asymmetry calculation. These files are called Global.list, Cons.list, GlobalFake.list and ConsFake.list

  4. How to Run the Analysis
    1. To produce MicroDSTs use "runMDST_all" in directory "/grid/fzk.de/home/leberig/MDST".
    2. To analyse MicroDSTs use "run3_all" in directory "/grid/fzk.de/home/leberig/asym"
    3. To analyse the output several tools are available:
      • add_All_hist.sh merges all output histo files and thus prepares the necessary histograms about he average kinematics.
      • print_total_yield.sh "year" print the number of events in each configuration invoking the program total_yield.cc.
      • The root macro check_yield.cc provides a function check_yield("year","period","runnum") which displays the check histogramms filled during production. A second function check_values("year","period","runnum") allows to look at the quantities relevant for the asymmetry calculation.
      • The root macro check_yield_file.cc does the same but operates on the current root directory.
    4. The actual asymmetry calculation is than done by calling the program analyse_all.sh "year" which invokes A1_All. This script creates a number of output files, which are all located in "year"/result/:
    5. The final data combination is then done by the root macro A1_tot.cc. This program allows to determine the asymmetry for a given year or for all years together. Usage:
      • load macro: .L A1_tot.cc
      • execute macro by calling control(flag) where flag can be either the year (2002 and 2003) or 0 for both years.
      • the output can be found in subdirectory /result or result for the combined output.
  5. Other Activities on this Topic
  6. To Do

This page was updated on July 23th, 2004
by Local Webmaster