This page is under construction.
Contact Mario Leberig for more information.
Here you can find a list of all group members with email adress and if available cern phone book entry and photo. If you miss a name do not be upset but inform the webmaster.
A transparency repository containing some nice plots, if you want to include the largest area tracker of COMPASS in your talk.
These pages contain photos showing some interesting details about the chambers and our work with them. These photos are complemented by some pictures taken during our social events.
Here a detailed description of the W45 chambers should be given. Comprising also the information which are necessary to operate the chambers (e.g. HV, Slow Control and Threshold setting).
A place to collect all important information retrieved by analysing data or doing simulation/ measurement on the chamber.
This place is meant to give acces to ongoing work on the W45 business (mainly software). As soon as a project seems to be finished the results will be represented on the Analysis Results (not yet available) pages