How to
the SVX silicon telescope.
To calibrate the SVX silicon telescope offline, you have to do the following.
After a tape has been ejected from the the online system, you should first
copy this tape. Then, the noise data base has to be created
for the runs on this specific tape. To do this, you have to:
- Check whether there is a free EXABYTE drive of the WA89 offline farm
(vsnhd?). Plug the tape into this drive.
- Logon to the machine the chosen drive is connected to --
username cos.
- cd /usa1/ofl/svx_monitor
- Edit the file svxmon.ffr and change the key INPUTDEV
to the correct value (101 for drive MT, 102 for drive MU).
- To run the task, type
svxmon.ultrix.exe &> svxmon.log.tapenr &
where tapenr is the number of the tape to be processed.
- After the task finished, check the log-file for errors.
- If everything is ok, move the noise files by typing:
mv MS_noise_dir_new/*.dat /usa1/ofl/svx_x5/SVX_noise_dir/
Now, you may create the alignment data base. To do this, you may
accumulate several tapes and process them with the help of the stackers connected
to e.g. vsnhdg.
- Fill the stacker with the tapes to be processed.
- Logon to the machine the chosen drive is connected to --
username cos.
- cd /usa1/ofl/svx_offline/alig/run
- Edit the file ms94align.dat and change the key input device
to the correct value (101 for drive MT, 102 for drive MU).
- To run the task, type
doit drive &> doit.tapenr1-tapenr2.log &
where drive is MT or MU, tapenr1 is the number of the first tape to be
processed and tapenr2 the one of the last tape.
- After the task finished, check the log-file for errors.
- If everything is ok, move the alignement files by typing:
mv MS_dir_alig_new/*.dat /usa1/ofl/svx_x5/SVX_alig_dir/
After you did this, please do not forget to compress the various log-files and histogram files
written during the procedure. Disk space on /usa1 is rare.... To do this execute the command
This page was updated on September 15, 1997