2.24 sy127dummy2.pnl, sy403dummy2.pnl, sy527dummy2.pnl

These panels are used only inside hvSystem.pnl -panel as a reference. The aim of the panels is to summarize the status of alarms of observed Caen HV crate. The background color of the figure changes according to summary alarm of the crate, which sums all the alarms coming from the channels belonging to the crate and also the alarm defined for the errorCount -parameter of the crate. The errorCount raises the alarm in the system e.g. in a case of lost of communication with the crate in a Caenet level. Naturally, alarm having the highest priority determines the background color following defined color convention (ref. General Compass DCS document). Double-click on the figure opens either sy127.pnl, sy403.pnl or sy527.pnl depending which `dummy' panel is being clicked.

Figure 22: From left to right: sy127dummy2.pnl, sy403dummy2.pnl, sy527dummy2.pnl


Last modified: 2001 - Niko Karlsson