Minutes from target meeting held April 16 2010 in 892-2-009 These minutes are available also from: http://wwwcompass.cern.ch/compass/detector/target/Minutes/2010/ a) Warm up LN2 trap in helium-3 circuit on Friday. About 0.2 bar gas (probably water) found. Leak test helium-3 roots cooling water circuit on Saturday. The leak detector connected through the LN2 trap to pump outlet and helium flow into the water circuit after draining. No leaks detected. b) Monday morning about 60 K reached in the mixing chamber and 56 K in the helium-4 evaporator. Fill LN2 bath for target loading. Pressurize the mixing chamber to atmospheric pressure with helium. Remove empty target holder from mixing chamber and put it into the LN2 bath. Use plastic plug to close the mixing chamber. Cool down the metallic plug in LN2 and replace the plastic plug with it in the access tube. Fill the target cells with ammonia and replace indium wire. Remove the metallic plug from the access tube and insert the target holder into the mixing chamber. NMR coils, heaters and thermometers working after loading. Leak test target holder vacuum and access tube volume. Pump out air and helium mixture from the mixing chamber until 0.7 mbar pressure reached. Fill in helium gas 0.2 bar into the mixing chamber and start circulating the gas through the LN2 trap. c) Tuesday morning start cooling down the dilution cryostat and filling the magnet with LHe. Start the helium-4 pumps. Condense helium-4 into mixing chamber in the evening. Helium-3 roots stopped on Thursday morning due the cooling water flow switch. Readjust the switch threshold. Motor #8 "avant" cooling fan stopped. Replace #8 "avant" and #7 "derrier" fans on Thursday. d) Start polarizing the ammonia on Thursday evening at 1.0 K temperature. Polarize first the central cell to positive polarization. About 50 times increase in signal size observed. After switching off the microwaves the NMR signal relaxation time about 20 - 25 min. Test also negative polarizations for the up- and downstream cells. Yuri: one of the coils could be used to measure nitrogen-14 NMR signal. Fine tuning of the microwaves needs to be done at lower temperatures. e) Kaori: no problem in the Yale card found at Bochum. The signal ok with gain 1 but distorted with gain 207. Increase time out parameter to cure the PXI communication lost error. Independent network between the PXI crate and the NMR PC was discussed. Jaakko: check the Yale card in situ and buy some spare components. f) Dilution cryostat PLC restart procedure was discussed. Norihiro: before resetting the PLC the helium-3 roots cooling water interlock needs to be bypassed, isolation vacuum diffusion pump stopped and the helium-3 gate valve closed.