Minutes from target meeting held August 6 2010 in 892-2-009 These minutes are available also from: http://wwwcompass.cern.ch/compass/detector/target/Minutes/2010/ a) Yuri: start microwave reversal Friday evening 20:06 to -|+|- configuration. Sunday 7:50 start transverse data taking with polarizations -80.5%, +80.3% and -80.0%. Measure polarizations in longitudinal field on Thursday 18:54 -79.0 %, +78.7% and -77.7%. Polarization loss in 108 h about -1.5 %, -1.5 % and -2.2 %. NMR data taking stopped during a shift and restarted. b) Dilution cryostat DAQ LabVIEW virtual instrument broken probably due to corrupted data on hard disk. Old version used. c) Problem in magnet PC run logbook MySQL server connection. The script had stopped since the server was down. See http://wwwcompass.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/PolarizedTarget/PolTargMagnRunlogCurrent d) Backups and recovery plans in case of corruption of different target DAQ softwares were discussed. e) Jaakko: analyze TE-calibration data with field corrected TTH5 thermometer. Good agreement with Kaoris calibration from April 30. Dominating statistical error from the target cell background proton measurement. See http://wwwcompass.cern.ch/elog/target_polar/87