Minutes from target meeting held February 20 2004 in 892-1-B09 a) From AT/ECR Laura Stewart is starting to install new filter to the return line of helium from Alcatel pump system. It will be installed close to the ceiling between 4He pumps and 3He roots where the helium return line goes horizontally. b) Target planning for run 2004 was discussed. The magnet precooling starts after Easter on Tuesday April 13. The target loading will take place one week after on Tuesday April 20. The first TE-calibration may overlap with SPS beam start, but can be done before SPS physics start. The second TE-calibration will be done during the scrubbing run in June and there will not be time to do TE-calibration after the run. We can expect 40 % polarization before the SPS physics start. c) The change over procedure to hadron run at the end of September was discussed. The target platform will stay in place and there will be no platform rotation. Instead the dilution cryostat and magnet pumping, gas lines, and electrical cables are disconnected. After this both the magnet and dilution cryostat are lifted with crane from the platform. During the operation the shared isolation vacuum needs to stay below 1 mbar to avoid thermal gradients to the magnet coil due to gas heat conduction. Norihiro pointed out the technical assistance is needed in the unmounting of pumping line bellows. d) The run coordinator 2004 Kay Koenigsmann asked estimate on how many target shifts need to be filled from the collaboration in addition to the shifts done by the CERN target group and the target institutes. e) Target material packing factor was discussed. The packing factor was 0.508+-0.027 (0.492+-0.026) 2003 (2002) for upstream and 0.522+-0.027 (0.535+-0.027) 2003 (2002) for downstream. Generally it was thought that it is difficult to improve the packing factor. Spending more time in shaking the target holder and refilling may help a little. There was also question if we would have enough material to fill more - about 40 cm^3 extra material is available. The main worry comes from the transverse data analyzes, where a radial vertex distribution of 15 cm of the most upstream part of the upstream target cell indicates missing material on the top for run 2002. f) There was an oxygen deficiency and cold burns safety inspection in the pump room. The pump room needs to be more well organized. Possibility to move the target material dewars to a different place was discussed. The best place is inside the gas mixing zone. The safety officer recommended to attend to a cryogenic safety course http://humanresources.web.cern.ch/humanresources/external/training/safe/sa_main.asp . Note that the second level course is given only in French.