Minutes from weekly target meeting held 26th of July 2002 in building 888 a) Meeting to discuss long term planning of COMPASS polarised target until 2005 (man power, financial issues etc) will be held in the first days of September at CERN. A date proposed by Werner is Thursday 5th of September at 18:00, since the Nagoya members are at CERN at that time. From Helsinki Peter Berglund prefers a few days earlier date. From Bielefeld not yet any comments. The purchase list for 2002/2003 will be discussed in this meeting. The list needs to be update before the meeting. On the list renewal/modification of microwave PSUs, servicing of magnet solenoid PSU etc. Also the possible production of spare 6LiD target material can be discussed. b) The first offer for the Siemens Simatic S7-300 PLC is 2 253 CHF from IT/CO. A 116 mm x 87 mm touch screen TP170A (black and white) is 704 CHF and same size in color TP170B is 1417 CHF. The price for OP-170B with normal membrane keys should be checked. Norihiro made the first exercise to program such a PLC using ladder diagrams for control of LN2 filling. c) Kaori produced the preliminary polarisation file for the run 2002 until 26th of July. Average saturation polarisation stays very well constant. The spread in measured polarisation values between different coils looks similar to the 2001 data. The maximum positive values are measured by coils #7 (56.5 %) and #8 (57.6 %) close to the maximum of 57.8 % for coil #1 and 56.7 % for coil #5 in 2001 run. The coils #9 and #10 measure 52.1 % and 51.8 % using the preliminary TE-calibration. Thus the spread for positive side compared to average (53.3 % 2002 and 54.2 % 2001) is 8.1 % (coil #8) for 2002 while for 2001 it was 6.6 % (coil #1). Note that in the 2001 the upstream had positive polarisation while for 2002 until now the down stream has had positive polarisation. The same coil positions gave 2001 high negative polarisation results (but we should be careful when comparing positive and negative polarisation values). Comment from Jaakko about the spread in polarisation measurement: if the average spin temperature measured by the coils is about 1 mK, this means that one coil is measuring Ts 1.08 mK while the other 0.97 mK - since the material is cut into many small pieces with random crystal direction (practically no interaction between the beads) and there is no spin ordering or other phenomena to get coherent spin system and the spin system is very well isolated from lattice - this does not seem so surprising. d) The EPR line should be used to verify the measured polarisation values. This can be done with the EIO tubes, but the IMPATT diode system from Bochum is prefered due to the smaller noise. e) The schedule for the transverse spin mode was discussed in the weekly COMPASS meeting. 1) On Wednesday 31st during MD the field rotation is stopped in the middle with zero solenoid current. The polarisation is checked for about an hour in the longitudinal mode before starting the field rotation. The transverse mode measurement is started after 16:00. 2) On Thursday or Friday the field rotation is continued to check the polarisation in the longitudinal field. After this the field rotation is started again and stopped at zero solenoid current. 3) The transverse mode continues until MD of Wednesday 7th of August 10:00. After this the polarisation is again checked in longitudinal mode. The polarisation is then destroyed by setting solenoid current to zero or by going to high temperature of 1 K to see spin magnetisation relaxation to zero polarisation value. 4) The polarisation is rebuilt with positive polarisation in the upstream target cell and negative in the down stream target cell in longitudinal mode until Saturday 10th of August. 5) On 10th of August at 10:00 the field rotation is paused in the middle with zero solenoid current. The transverse field mode is continued until Saturday 17th of August 10:00. Some precautions: the dipole PSU was serviced by Corryl before it was put into use, never the less we should check that there is no excessive heating in current lead connections or some where else during the long high power operation, probably it is better to remove back panel of dipole PSU, the trim currents should be set to zero for the transverse mode operation. f) Kaori checked the change in the integrated areas of D, 6Li and 7Li NMR signals before and after field rotation. The change is well reproducible and seems to give the same relative magnitude for all the three spin materials when going from positive field to negative and back. g) The field rotation from Wednesday 24th of July is done at 10:00, 18:00 and 02:00. It is not necessary to remove the production target. Before 24th of July the field rotation was done after 12 - 13 good runs. h) Ishimoto commented that the NMR coil problem resembles the problem of deuterium coil made of CuNi foil in SMC -94. Werner said that the problem is now only in the upstream target cell. Jaakko said that the material filling is now better than it was in 2001. The target material of 2001 was weighted by Jaakko, Kaori and Naoki in April/May. This data can be used to estimate the filling factor of 2001 (add to to-do list). i) Werner told about plan to organise 3 day polarised target workshop at Bonn 2003 end of October. j) Fabrice corrected some calibrations of dilution cryostat parameters on the target web page.