Minutes from weekly target meeting 4th of April 2002 in 892-2-009 a) Isolation vacuum will be pumped next week. At the same time leak testing of the magnet and the dilution cryostat will be done. For this all the new connection to isolation vacuum need to be prepared. This includes 48 V turbo pump system and gate valve, and the normal power turbo pump system. Jaakko and Kenneth installed the 48 V turbo pump and connected it to 48 V power on Jura side. b) The valve box has not yet been installed and the work on electropneumatic is not finished. Jacques promised the work on the electropneumatic valve to be ready next week and the valve box at the end of the week. In addition there is still some work to do on the target before cool down can be started. Thus we are one week late from the planned schedule. Now we want to start LN2 cool down with LN2 on 22nd of April and target material loading on 29th of April. c) Yuri contacted J. Ball who promised to buy the missing vacuum valve from USA. d) Kaori tuned successfully a small 15 mm diameter single turn coil to measure polarization inside the target material. e) Fabrice is preparing Keithley multimeter to be used as a temporary solution for reading the pt100s at platform.