Minutes from weekly target meeting held 1st of November 2002 in 892-2-009 a) Kaori plotted integrated TE areas versus 1/T to check that Curie law is followed. The points for downstream coils fit well and no much change to online polarisation values is expected. For upstream polarisations changes can be even from 42 % to 48%. Coils #3 and #4 did not show good fit to Curie law. b) Yuri checked consistence between parabolic and linear baseline fits. For upstream coils baseline fitting is more difficult due to background modulation problem. The points were fitted to Curie law after averaging linear and parabolic baseline analysis results. Yuri said that parabolic baseline fit should be used in addition to linear fit. Jaakko said that the parabolic fit can produce extra bias if it is not fitted carefully to the noisy background. Kaori said that a baseline shift after taking of the baseline may have to be corrected with a linear or parabolic fit, but baseline was very stable during TE data taking and new baselines were recorded frequently. Thus there should not be need for such corrections. c) Norihiro estimated temperature during TE-calibration more carefully. This gives about 0.1 % change to the preliminary values. d) For the microwave EIO tubes new cooling water unit was received from Bielefeld. Also new flow controllers for vertical and horizontal screens were received from Bielefeld in addition to a LN2 dewar for material weighting. Two new dual gauge pressure display units TPG252 are ready for installation. New miniature coax cable was ordered. The multireg was sent to Siemens for service. For LN2 level sensor no service is provided by Oxford. A completely new unit was proposed for 1700 euro. e) Next Wednesday Mr. Delacharlonny unmounts the Pfeiffer roots motor and trys to change the bearing. Yuri said that all bearings should be checked. Norihiro asked price for a spear motor for the biggest roots pump. Jaakko said that in case of problem also the biggest roots pump can be bypassed by opening the overpressure valve inside the pump. f) For the 4He pump Mr. Fischer from Leybold visited target shortly on Thursday. With modifications Leybold pumps with the same pumping speed as the Alcatel 3631B are leak tight to 10^-4 mbar l/s. In the assembly drawing of Alcatel 3631B there are two shaft seals for a hermetic model. Thus Jaakko will ask Alcatel again for estimation of necessary repair work to get leak tightness corresponding to the "hermetic" model. The cryolab was contacted for possible help in leak testing and fixing. Jean-Michel said that cryolab is not expert in leak testing and proposed to repeat the same leak tests that have already been done before. There was also some discussion about other possible reasons for impurity. Jean-Michel proposed to buy an oxygen analyser. g) Jean-Michel would like to get back the expensive vacuum isolated gas helium lines that are now used in the screen and separator outlets and also the water heat exchanger bath. Jaakko said that these could be replaced with new and cheaper welded lines with electrical heater. The vacuum isolated lines are not necessary and the water bath is probably oversized for the Helium flow used. At the same time also fixed isolation vacuum pipes on bottom of magnet and cavity pumping line from pump room to top of barracks could be manufactured. New viton and metallic o-rings should be purchased. The support for the magnet pipes made last spring by Jacques C. is still missing. h) Jaakko was contacted from Silicon detector group by Rita about the use of LN2 in the experimental zone. Meeting is going to be held in near future with Silicon and LHC/ECR. i) New target holder tube from Kevlar could be manufactured for 2003 at Helsinki. No news about Nagoya 50 mm spare mixing chamber. If ready should be prepared for 2003. Possible modifications to NMR coils and target cells are decided later. The possible moving of target cells 10 cm downstream will be discussed with collaboration. j) Communication from Saclay. At downstream end of magnet bore there is a 0.5 mm steel window and superinsulation. No other material before the 1 mm aluminium isolation vacuum window. Jaakko suggested that the downstream end of magnet should be opened to verify the materials and to replace the steel window with aluminium one. New ET System Electronic trim PSU 8V/15A arrived on Friday. k) During the discussion on the purchase list Jaakko suggested to use direct digital synthesizer for NMR excitation instead of phase locked synthesizer. In the TE-signals of Sep 2002 there is a jump at 16400000 Hz. This could be explained by short loss of phase lock when the frequency divider rolls over from 16399999 to 16400000 during a frequency sweep. Kaori said that the Rhoders-Swartz is a good mark in synthesizers. l) Fabrice compared database software of Microsoft and Oracle. Oracle will be used for 2003 in storing the measured parameters. The dilution cryostat PC PC01DT10 has new upgraded Windows 2000. Next year also a web server will be running in the system. An old event builder PC is available for general purpose online analysis etc. Thus 2 new PCs compared to this year are going to be installed. The location of the PCs is still open. Different possibilities would be on table, on shelves, on floor or in rack. Fabrice asked if the NMR PC German version of Windows could be updated to English version.